Even though I am stressed out, verging on going crazy, and haven't slept in days, I'm not going to give up. Nope. Not gonna happen. Look at this boy:
Drew was so proud of his "Tower of Bananas." Look at that cute, messy little face. My sweet, little boy. He is growing each day, becoming so much more of a child than my little baby. He deserves to have every opportunity in the world. So, no matter how down I get, frustrated I am, long this process takes, in the end, everything is worth it to make sure he receives the services he needs.
*And a little shout out to Drew's Dad, who is going though this, every single step, with me. Not every husband and dad would be as involved as he is. He is the rock when I am upset, the calm one when I am upset, the logical one when I am upset. I couldn't do this without him.