
Sunday, March 2

Fiona Watt's Touchy Feely Books

That's Not My Bear! That's Not My Dinosaur! We love the "That's Not" series of books by Fiona Watt.

These books are excellent for introducing your child to textures. Soft, rough, scratchy, just to name a few. Texture is an interesting concept for children, and these books highlight them in a fun and entertaining way. I'll never forget the first time I read That's Not My Bear to Drew after his cochlear implants were activated. He strummed his fingernails across the rough tongue of the bear for what seemed like hours, just listening to the sound.

We are currently using these books to work with Drew on learning his body parts. Cognitively at his age, 17 months, he should be able to identify these parts in the book and on himself. Using the books, we can ask Drew to point to different parts of the body. Then, the textures that the books highlights, stating "That's Not My Bear" create interest around a specific part of the body.

We hope you enjoy the That's Not series of books with your children!


MB said...

I am addicted to these. Mari's favorite is "That's Not My Robot."

Drew's Mom said...

OH...I'll have to look that one up! We have bear, dino and lion. I'm wondering how many of the same type of book one person should have?