
Tuesday, April 14

Talking on the Phone

As a working Mom, sometimes I have to travel out of town for several days at a time. This week finds me on the road again, with only the telephone to connect me with my family at home. When I call home, I love hearing Drew's sweet little voice in the background say, "I wanna talk Mama!"

Over the past several months we have been able to hold the phone to Drew's ear, and prompt him with what to say. (Tell Daddy, "I love you!") But this time, things are different. Drew is actually having full conversations with me. (And this isn't being done on speakerphone, or with any assistive technology. He is holding the portable phone to his ear, like you or me, and listening and talking!) And while his speech isn't completely intelligible over the phone, I can get most of the conversation.

Today we talked about his lunch. He went "to McDonald's with Gramma." Upon further questioning I found out that he ate a cheeseburger. And when I asked if he ate the whole thing, he said, "Yeah! I did!" But he "didn't have fries today."

We talked about his love of basketball. "Mama, I shoot the ball in my basketball hoop net." He also told me about how he played basketball at Gramma's house, and "made a brick."

When I asked Drew whether or not he slept well last night, he said, "My sheets wet." I immediately knew that, once again, his overnight diaper leaked and he wet the bed!

And best of all, he said, "I love you Mama!"

Cochlear Implants are pretty damn cool!


Kel said...

That is just beyond incredible!

PolyglotMom said...

Amazing! I can't wait until I can tell stories like that... brings tears to my eyes! Yes, pretty damn cool they are...

monica said...

thank you for sharing that! i have been wondering what we would be in for when dealing with the phone.

i am a believer!!

Jess said...

How exciting!!!!


Bill and Shelly said...

Yes, they are pretty cool!! I remember the 1st time Allison talked to my Dad on the phone after her implant, he was amazed and crying(if you knew my Dad, it takes a lot for a big guy like him to cry)
I have not forgotten about the letter, we are still trying to get the scanner to work, but I think I will have to give up and mail it to you. Could you email your address and I will send it right out.

Kristen said...

I agree... as I have trained my 2 boys to say, CIs are the best thing since sliced bread!!!

AJ's Mom said...

Cochlear Implants ARE pretty cool!
That is just amazing!!

Christian and Lily's Mommy said...

Ok, that is pretty awesome...did you just use a regular map and settings?

KAT said...

Wow that's amazing! Good for him! I'd also have to agree... CI are pretty neat little devices! (:

Drew's Mom said...

C & L's Mom,

Yes, just the normal P1 that we use everyday. No program adjusting. Drew actuallly holds the phone himself up to his ear, just like you or I. No positioning or anything. And the mics pic up the sound and he can talk! It's really amazing.

tammy said...

Love this story! And CIs are SO AWESOME!

BionicEars said...

Do you just use 1 of the 2 implants now? I couldnt see both in the latest vids. I only got 1 done myself.

Mom2jiya said...

My little girl is going to be implanted sometime in the next few months. I never imagined that a 2.5year old with an implant could have a phone conversation. This is what I would wish for my baby. congrats drew and keep inspiring us.