Drew's spontaneous speech is characterized by substitutions and distortions of /f, ch, j, th, v/ according to the Goldman Fristone Test of Articulation 2. In addition, he exhibits distortions of /l/ blends. However, Drew's connected speech is usually intelligible when conversing with others. The Ling Phonetic Level Speech Evaluations indicates that he correctly produces all of the vowels of our language in single, repeated, and alternated syllables. In his conversational speech, Drew exhibits appropriate vocal characteristics, including vocal quality, intensity, ,pitch and natural intonation patterns.
Wearing his implants and using audition alone, Drew can identify common environmental sounds, repeat vowel sounds and follow directions containing two critical elements in a closed set of four choices.
Drew recognizes and names 17/26 uppercase and 11/26 lowercase letters of the alphabet. He recognizes and names 10/11 colors. Using the Get It, Got It, Go! preschool assessment, Andrew can name 19 pictures in one minute, and point to eight rhyming pictures in two minutes.
Andrew can rote count to 39, count 21 objects and name five shapes (circle, square, triangle, rectangle and heart). He can sort objects by color and shape and duplicate simple patterns using Unifix cubes (ABAB and AABA). He recognizes the numerals 1-5.
Andrew can copy 10 letters of the alphabet. He attempts to write his first name from memory, but does not form the letters correctly.
Probably the best part of the IEP is the "Child's Profile", which was written by his teacher:
"Drew is a bright child, who has a great personality. He is willing to work hard and he has a good attention span. He seems to enjoy coming to school. "
From this evaluation, Drew's team developed the following goals:
- Andrew will produce final /f/, /ch/, /j/, /v/, and /th/ in syllables and words on 8 out of 10 attempts in the therapy setting.
- In a quiet setting with audition alone, Andrew will respond in sequential order to auditory training activities in the sub-skills of phonetic listening and auditory comprehensions with in the DASL 50 out of 50 times. (nasal and non-nasal consonants in the beginning position of syllable and words (cake vs. make); the follow directions containing four critical elements in a closed set of six choices on 50 out of 50 consecutive trials).
- Andrew will independently recognize and name letters of the alphabet and frequently displayed pictures, icons, labels and words in the environment in six out of 10 attempts. Andrew will independently sequence and event or familiar story read in class in six out of 10 attempts.
- Andrew will demonstrate basic number concepts through counting, numeral identification and the use of manipulative upon teacher request in six out of 10 attempts.
- Andrew will show understanding that written symbols convey a message by attempting to emulate writing in six of 10 attempts. Andrew will use the writing process to make the intended message clear by drawing pictures and/or words, letters or symbols in six of 10 attempts.
Drew has lots to work on this year, but knowing him, I bet he'll have mastered this by the end of the year!