
Wednesday, October 27


At Drew's IEP meeting this week, we reviewed Drew's progress to date on his current IEP (for the 2009 - 10 school year). He mastered every goal from that IEP! Here's an idea of what he can do:

  • Demonstrate improved voice control and improved vowel and consonant productions on at least five out of 10 attempts in the therapy setting.
  • Produce a sustained voice in response to a model on eight out of 10 attempts.
  • Produce a voice of varied duration in response to a model on seven out of 10 attempts.
  • Produce /00/ in syllables and words in response to a model on seven out of 10 attempts.
  • Produce final /p/ in syllables and words in response to a model on eight out of 10 attempts.
  • Produce /sh/ in syllables and words in response to a model five out of 10 attempts.
  • Produce/d/ in syllables and words in response to a model six out of 10 attempts.
  • Produce repeated sequences of contrasting consonants, such as /ba-ma/ in response to a model on seven out of 10 attempts.
  • Using the school curriculum, imitate and spontaneously use the word "have" instead of "got", and "to" in infinitives. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts "front", "in front of", "over" and "full/empty" during structured language activities (unit/circle time) and unstructured (recess/lunch) activities through the use of speech reading and oral language in an appropriate fashion during at least six of 10 opportunities.
  • In a structured classroom situation using play objects and pictures, demonstrate a receptive understanding of the directional/positional concepts "front", "in front of", and "over" through manipulating objects during structured classroom activities in seven of ten tries.
  • In a structured classroom situation using play objects, indicate an understanding of the quantitative concepts "full/empty" by identifying full of empty objects as requested by the teacher in seven of ten trials.
  • Spontaneously use the word "to" with verbs to form infinitives: to make, to cut, to color, to write, to play and to go during structured classroom activities 70% of the time.
  • During structured classroom situation, imitate a model in a 3-4 word sentence with the possessive "I have ____" instead of "I got ____" during 90% of provided opportunities.
  • During structured situations, will spontaneously produce utterances using "I have ___" when made meaningful through theme related play activities with minimal cues 60% of the time.
  • Show progress in the sub-skills of phonetic listening and auditory comprehension in sequential order using the Developmental Approach to Successful Listening by responding correctly in 50 of 50 attempts.
  • Phonetic Listening - will discriminate between syllables and words initiated with /s/ blends and syllables and words beginning with single consonants.
  • Phonetic Listening - In a set of four choices, discriminate syllables or words with initial /s/ consonant blends.
  • Auditory Comprehension - will follow directions containing three critical elements in a closed set of four choices.


Melanie said...


Elizabeth said...

Wow, wow, wow -- way to go, Drew (and Mom and Dad and Team)!

Susan said...

Woo Hoo!! Great job Drew!

tammy said...

This is awesome! He is such the rockstar! Way to go Drew!