
Tuesday, June 10

Wii Are Learning Language

When we purchased our Wii a couple of months ago, we had no idea how much Drew and his sister would enjoy watching us play games! And we had no idea how many language opportunities our video game playing would present.

For instance, when we say, "Drew, do you want to drive?," he runs to the credenza, pulls the doors open and grabs the steering wheels, all while saying "drive, drive," over and over again. We can tell him exactly who to give the steering wheels to, and he will oblige.

Then, he'll start saying, "chair, chair" over and over, while walking to the dining room and pushing a chair into the living room. Drew knows that his Daddy likes to sit in an upright chair while playing the Wii.

We're currently enjoying the Mario Kart game, complete with the Moo Moo Meadows track, where we can review animal sounds. Now when we ask what track we should drive, Drew will say, "Moo," so we know he wants us to drive the course with the cows! We enjoy saying, "Ready, set, GO!," as a family at the start of each race. Drew will say, "Uh oh," every time I fall off of the track, which happens quite a bit. And each time Drew's Dad earns another trophy, Drew claps his hands while saying, "Yeah, Daddy!"

I never thought life would feel this normal. When you're told that your child is deaf and will need a cochlear implant, followed by years of therapy in order to maximize their hearing, you have this picture that your entire life will be spent in a therapists office as they work to catch the child up. And while it is important to have the formal therapy, we have found that there are plenty of language opportunities in our everyday activities. It is great because it allows Drew to learn to listen and talk while enjoying all of the things that we enjoy doing as a family. Wii are all having a lot of fun.


Mom to Toes said...

Awesome! I have been wanting to get the Wii since Wii Fit came out. You have given me the perfect excuse. haha!

Drew is such an amazing little guy. I can't get over how far he has come in such a short time. It is obvious all your hard work is paying off.

MB said...

Don't tell my husband! He has been bugging me for one of these since the day they came out!

JD said...

You should let Nintendo know about this and how much it helps Drew. I'm sure it wasn't they didn't even consider these kind of scenarios. Maybe they'd come up with some games especially for these situations.

leah said...

Hmm.. trying to figure out how to hide this post from my husband. He's trying to think of an excuse to buy a wii, and now he'll try to get one for AVT purposes! And Nolan would only try to eat the steering wheel!

Maybe for Christmas... maybe.. (g)

Landon's Mom said...

I'm going to have to tell Eric about that one. I can't do the Mario Kart - makes me motion sick. He'll probably use it as an excuse not to do the Wii fit :)

Anonymous said...

It looks like we're going to have to get a Wii! I know what you mean about feeling good to be experiencing normalcy. Normal is so easily taken for granted.

mervynjames224 said...

I quoted my view a while ago, the Wii seems pretty well placed to TEACH people sign language, and indeed lip-reading too.. it only needs the demand.

tammy said...

That's great! I've actually been the one wanting the Wii - I heard it's also a great mommy workout while playing with the kids! haha Now I can add therapy for Aiden to the list of pros of getting one too!

Kristen said...

That is great! It is amazing how many language opportunities there are in ordinary situations. We have the wii and I love the boxing!!! :)

Christian and Lily's Mommy said...

I just printed your post out and showed it to Chuck....we have wanted a Wii since day 1, and I think this sealed the deal.


Abbie said...

Wii is awesome! I love the sound effects from it :) That is certainly a justifiable purchase for AVT therapy :)

Anonymous said...

Hi. Well, we were considering purchasing a Wii for our older boys anyway (oh, and b/c I wanted Wii Fit, too!), but knowing it's usefulness in AVT, we HAVE to get one!! :) I am enjoying reading through your journey. We have a son very close in age to yours - and watching what is possible is awesome! I, like you, thought we'd be in doctor's offices ALL the time, but really our life is more normal than I thought it would be. It is a lot of work, but I'm very grateful for the opportunity children with hearing loss have in this day and time! Awesome!!!